Solution of Real Estate Use Case

                                              SOLUTION OF REAL ESTATE USE CASE


create table real1(street string,city string,zip int,state string,beds int,baths int,sq_ft int,type string,sale_date string,price int,lalitude string,longitude string)

    row format delimited

                fields terminated by',';

                load data local inpath '/home/cloudera/hadoopData/real state.csv' into table real1;


1. Problem Statement:

          City wise list all the Villa which is not less than ten thousand.


            select city from real where ((price >10000) and (type=='villa')) group by city;





2.         Problem Statement:

In GALT city which residential type has more than 800sq__ft. Display their respective details street,sq__ft,sale_date,city.


                select street,sq_ft,sale_date,city from real1 where ((city=='GALT') AND (sq_ft>800));





 3.  Problem Statement:

            Which is the cheapest Villa in CA. name the city,street and price for the Villa.

             select city,street,price from real1 where type=='villa' order by price limit 1;


4. Problem Statement:

List top 5 residency details which lie in the budget of 60000-120000, an area more than 1450, sold after 17th may, min bedroom 3 and, min bathroom 2.



           select street,city,zip,state,beds,baths,sq_ft,type,price from real1 where((price>=60000) AND (price<=120000) AND (sq_ft>1450) AND (beds>3) AND(baths>2)) order by price limit 5;



Here only one house address  is selected under above condition.


     Problem Statement:

separate list of residential apartments with more than 2 beds. Also include columns in following order City,Baths,Sq_feet,Price,flat_type,Beds respectively.

  create table intrestedBhk(city STRING,baths INT,sq_ft INT,price INT)

                     partitioned by(type STRING,beds INT)

                                 row format delimited

                                 fields terminated by ','

                                 stored as textfile;

INSERT INTO TABLE intrestedBhk partition(type,beds) select city,baths,sq_ft,price,type,beds from real1 where (beds>2 and type='Residential');


                        To  view  separated list of residential apartment click the given link


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