Problem Statement of Crime
Analyze and categorize
data into different kinds of crimes
SF Police Department
wants to categorize crimes that were registered in different police
departments. The data given by SF Police
department has the following columns:
Data Fields
Dates - timestamp of the
crime incident
Category - category of
the crime incident (only in train.csv). This is the target variable you are
going to predict.
Descript - detailed
description of the crime incident (only in train.csv)
DayOfWeek - the day of
the week
PdDistrict - name of the
Police Department District
Resolution - how the
crime incident was resolved (only in train.csv)
Address - the approximate
street address of the crime incident
X - Longitude
Y – Latitude
First Load Data INTO
Pig And Further Process for Next Step
Work-Out In
Send End-Data INTO
Spark-Core & Spark-SQL
Try to Write Multi[ple Use – Cases
Based on DataSets …. And Scenario’s
Your company is contacted by SF Police Department to help
them categorize various crimes registered. You have been given the following
1. Create a Module to
initialize spark context and sqlcontext for spark.
2. Create a Module to
load test dataset and training dataset and create two data frames as train and
3. Encode categorical
data in training and test data into a format which can be accepted by mllib algorithms(Create label
points). ((()))Negociate
4. Train a model on
training data.
5. Categorize the crimes
mentioned in test data and store results in a text file.
Data Ref:
The total time required
to complete this task is 8 hours.
Note: The dataset
required for this project can be accessed either from the above link or
downloaded from the“Download Center”.
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