Hive Vs Pig

Differences between Hive and Pig:



1.Hive is declarative language works on HiveQL(HQL) which is similar to SQL.

1.Pig is procedural language. Works on Pig Latin

2.Used by data analytics people

2.Used by Researchers, and programmers.

3.Works only on structured data.

3.Works on structured, semi structured and unstructured data.

4.Hive operates on server sideof the cluster.

4.Pig operates on Client side of the cluster.

5.Supports partitioning of data.

5.Doesnot support partitioning.

6.Doesnot load the data quickly  but executes quickly

6.Loads the data quickly and effectively

7.Has separate metadata database on HDFS.

7.Doesnot have separate metadata database.Uses HDFS as its database.

8.Hive   was first developed by facebook

8.Pig was first developed by yahoo

9.Used for creating reports.

9. Used for programming.

10. Declaring schema is mandatory.

10. Declaring schema is optional.



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