Hive Vs Pig
between Hive and Pig:
Hive |
Pig |
1.Hive is declarative language works on HiveQL(HQL) which is similar to SQL. |
1.Pig is procedural
language. Works on Pig
Latin |
2.Used by data
analytics people |
2.Used by Researchers,
and programmers. |
3.Works only on structured data. |
3.Works on structured,
semi structured and unstructured data. |
4.Hive operates on server sideof the cluster. |
4.Pig operates on Client side of the cluster. |
5.Supports partitioning of data. |
5.Doesnot support partitioning. |
6.Doesnot load the data quickly but executes quickly |
6.Loads the data quickly and effectively |
7.Has separate metadata database on HDFS. |
7.Doesnot have separate metadata database.Uses HDFS as its
database. |
8.Hive was first
developed by facebook |
8.Pig was first developed by yahoo |
9.Used for creating reports. |
9. Used for programming. |
10. Declaring schema is mandatory. |
10. Declaring schema is optional. |
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